Via Germany:
The rate consisted of the postage for the Dutch part of the route, see Postal rates for domestic mail, the transit rate for Thurn-und-Taxis respectively Prussia and Baden and the postage for the Swiss part of the route.
The transito rate through Germany was for the first weight class (up to 1 Loth):
01-12-1815: 9 stuivers or 6 gute Groschen.
01-09-1817 8 gute Groschen = 36 Kreuzer (if from Border Post Office Arnhem or Nijmegen)
01-01-1835: Baden 10 Kreuzer (up to ¾ Loth) + Prussia 14 or 16 Kreuzer (depending on which border office)
June 1835: Baden 8 Kreuzer (up to ¾ Loth) + Prussia 11 Kreuzer (via Aachen) or 13 Kreuzer (via Emmerich)
Letter from Zwolle to Wohlen, Aargau, 20 June 1838 with datestamp ZWOLLE Ø 27 mm in red. Handstamp WP (West-Prussia) in red of Border Post Office Karlsruhe, Baden. Rate: Zwolle - Border Post Office Arnhem: 15 cent = 10 Kreuzer + transit Prussia 14 Kr.+ transit Baden 10 Kr. + port Canton of Basel and Aargau 8 Kr. = 46 Kreuzer.
After the unification, Switzerland was for the domestic postal rates divided into distance rayons.
Swiss rates for a letter of the first weight class to the Netherlands, in Rappen, centimes or centesimi:
rayon I |
rayon II |
rayon III |
rayon IV |
via |
grams |
0- 10 miles |
10-25 miles |
25-40 miles |
above 40 miles |
01-07-1850 |
France |
7½ |
70 |
75 |
80 |
85 |
01-01-1850 |
France |
7½ |
100 |
110 |
115 |
120 |
10-04-1852 |
France |
7½ |
65 |
70 |
75 |
80 |
14-01-1853 |
Germany |
15 |
65 |
75 |
15-15-1854 |
France |
7½ |
65 |
70 |
01-01-1857 |
France |
7½ |
60 |
60 |
01-07-1862 |
France |
7½ |
50 |
18-06-1864 |
Germany |
15 |
55 |
65 |
01-09-1868 |
Closed mail |
15 |
30 |
Dutch rates for a letter of the first weight class to Switzerland in cents:
whole |
via |
wigtjes |
rayon I |
rayon II |
rayon III |
country |
01-01-1852 |
Prussia |
15 |
35 |
45 |
55 |
01-04-1852 |
France |
7½ |
40 |
01-01-1853 |
Prussia |
15 |
35 |
40 |
01-01-1860 |
France |
7½ |
30 |
01-01-1864 |
Prussia |
15 |
30 |
35 |
01-01-1868 |
France |
10 |
30 |
01-09-1868 |
Closed mail |
15 |
15 *) |
*) Via Germany. From 15-8-1870 to 23-8-1870 temporary via France, rate 20 cents per 15 wigtjes.
For destinations in the Netherlands up to and including 30 km from the border, up to 1-1-1864 for the first weight class, 5 cents lower rates applied.
Ladies' envelope from Zwolle to Chambéry, Savoie, 9 February 1860 with semi-circle datestamp ZWOLLE with grotesque letters, Franco and PD. (= payé jusqu'à destination). Sent via Emmerich, Bern, Luzern and Genève (stamps on reverse). The sender paid the postage to Switzerland, rayon 2, to 15 grams: 40 cents, indicated on reverse.
Last update
10.09.2024 6:01 PM
Copyright © 2019 -
G.L. van Welie FRPSL
Secretary of the Nederlandse Academie voor Filatelie
Representative of the Royal Philatelic Society London for the Netherlands
Nothing from this website may be copied, distributed and / or published without written permission from the author.
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